BED Training of New Chairs
Basic Education Training of New Chairs
Fourteen accreditors attended training for prospective team chairs that the PAASCU Elementary,
Secondary, and Basic Education Commissions conducted last August 19, 2022.
Mr. Ricardo R. Palo, Executive Director, gave the opening remarks and identified the responsibilities
chairpesons have with its many stakeholders, including the survey team members, the school
undergoing a site visit, and the PAASCU Secretariat. Dr. Cynthia Arcadio, Chair of the Basic Education
Commission, gave a presentation on the responsibilities of a team chairperson throughout the
accreditation process, from the preparations, and the site visit, to the submission of the survey report.
The Commission on Secondary Education's Chair, Dr. Carmela Oracion, presented how to prepare a
chairperson's report. A mini-writeshop where participants practiced writing a chairman's report using
the standards-based instrument was also conducted. A Q&A session concluded the half-day session.