
PAASCU is now WFME Recognized

The World Federation of Medical Education (WFME) has awarded Recognition Status to PAASCU
for ten (10) years.

PAASCU was visited by WFME and was composed of foreign medical experts. The assessors
include Dr. Julio Cesar Gomez Fernandez, Dr. Peih-ying Lu, Ms. Wambui Wang’ombe, and headed
by Ms. Julie Drendall. The assessors went with the PAASCU accrediting team to St. Louis
University, Baguio City, for their Medical Education program accreditation last November 17-18,
2022. The WFME assessors mainly observed the association’s accreditation processes in a two-day
visit up to the review of the accreditation decision by the Commission on Medical Education.

The World Federation of Medical Education, founded in 1972, is a non-government organization
with official ties to the World Health Organization and represents medical education and medical
schools worldwide. Additionally, it collaborates with the World Medical Association, several
international professional associations, and six Regional Associations for medical education. By
ensuring that national and regional accrediting agencies carry out their responsibilities
transparently and appropriately, the WFME Recognition Programme aims to raise medical
education standards internationally. WFME has approved 36 accrediting organizations so far,
including PAASCU. For a complete list of WFME-recognized agencies, click the link here.

PAASCU would like to thank our medical school members and stakeholders for their continuous
support in this endeavor of quality education.