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About us


To be the leading external quality assurance agency for schools in the Philippines and beyond.


PAASCU is committed to the following:

  1. Promote the realization of member institutions’ vision and mission, compliance with regulatory requirements, achievement of evidenced excellence in learning outcomes, and responsiveness to stakeholders;
  2. Support the internal quality assurance initiatives of institutions by advocating external quality assurance through voluntary accreditation that is developmental in approach;
  3. Ensure the sustainability of the Association and the growth of its members, leadership, accreditors, and staff; and
  4. Serve the national and global communities by advocating a culture of excellence and responsibility in education.

Core Values

 1. Quality

Pursuing quality education drives the association’s vision, mission, objectives, and all its undertakings. It is a continuing and cyclical process.

  1. Leadership

Initiatives are undertaken to ensure the relevance of standards, appropriateness of accreditation practices, and innovativeness.

  1. Integrity

Decisions and undertakings are evidence-based, using factual information and ensuring fairness and impartiality.  PAASCU has clear policies on confidentiality and conflict of interest.

  1. Compassion

PAASCU is rigorous and objective yet developmental and compassionate in its accreditation practices.

  1. Transparency

The internal and external processes are transparent, and the accreditation decision is straightforward and duly communicated to stakeholders.

  1. Accountability

PAASCU takes responsibility for the judgments and decisions that are made.

  1. Flexibility

Changes and modifications are considered when developing standards and instruments in the accreditation practice to ensure relevance.

  1. Community

PAASCU and the member institutions and stakeholders espouse and foster a collegial environment through collaboration and networking.