PAASCU has recently achieved another milestone by becoming an affiliate of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). This affiliation, granted by the ENQA Board on June 3, 2024, establishes a formal connection between PAASCU and ENQA, enabling PAASCU to actively engage in ENQA’s activities.
ENQA is a leading organization with the primary objectives of advocating for quality assurance agencies, offering services to members and stakeholders, and fostering the progress of external quality assurance in Europe. The Association makes sure the interests of quality assurance agencies are heard in policy discussions of the Bologna Process, the European Union, and other relevant bodies.
Affiliate members are allowed to participate in discussions to drive forward the development and innovation in external quality assurance. They have also access to a wealth of information that ENQA can provide including advice on specific topics and speakers for events and webinars. Moreover, affiliate members will be allowed to participate in ENQA events that will provide networking opportunities and learning about recent developments in quality assurance. PAASCU’s affiliation with ENQA will provide valuable opportunities to make it more relevant and responsive to the current challenges of education and quality assurance.