HEI Training of New Chairs

The training for new team chairs of the various tertiary education programs, graduate education, and medical education was delivered by PAASCU on July 22, 2022, with the participation of 32 accreditors. The half-day event began with an opening prayer provided by Dr. Joy Zapata, followed by Mr. Ricardo Palo, the Executive Director, who gave a…

HEI Training of New Accreditors

A training session for potential accreditors of tertiary level programs was held on July 15, 2022, by the Commissions on Tertiary Education, Information Technology Education, Engineering and Architecture, Graduate Education, and Basic Medical Education of PAASCU. The day began with an opening prayer followed by a welcome statement by the president of the PAASCU Board…


The PAASCU Higher Education Commissions conducted a retooling session for its accreditors via Zoom on July 8, 2022. The workshop was organized to introduce accreditors to the new standards-based tool required in SY 2023–2024, attended by 240 accreditors. The primary speaker, Prof. Leonida Africa, Chair of the Commission on Tertiary Education, gave an overview of…


PAASCU introduced its member institutions to the blended modality of accreditation visits. Since most schools are already considering different modalities, the blended approach has been developed. The PAASCU Board of Trustees approved the guidelines for the blended modality of accreditation visits for programs in basic education and higher education during its meeting on May 27,…


Institutions interested in PAASCU accreditation received orientation last June 29, 2022, for BED institutions which 31 school administrators attended, and July 11, 2022, for HEI and Medical institutions, which 68 school administrators attended. Mr. Ricardo Palo, Executive Director of PAASCU, discussed the idea of accreditation and how it is practiced in the country, as well…