PAASCU 65th Anniversary General Assembly
PAASCU celebrated its 65th founding anniversary and annual general assembly last November 25, 2022, at Manila Marriott Hotel. The theme of this year’s assembly is Making Roads: Challenges and Opportunities to EQAAs in the New Normal.
The occasion began with a Mass of Thanksgiving presided over by the Board of Trustees priests: Fr. John Christian Young, Fr. Gilbert Sales, CICM, Fr. Francisco Estepa, SVD, and Fr. Ernesto Arceo, OP. After the Mass, the Association’s president, Br. Edmundo Fernandez, FSC, delivered his welcome remark and the 2021-2022 State of PAASCU address.
The highlight of the assembly was Dr. Achim Hopbach’s keynote address about the year’s theme. Dr. Hopbach is an international higher education consultant, the former president of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), and the Managing Director of the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (Q Austria).
The morning session was capped by the announcement of the newly-elected members of the Board of Trustees for 2023-2024. The afternoon session was dedicated to awarding the 2022 Fr. James J. Meany, SJ Service Awards to accreditors who served in 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 survey visits. The PAASCU commissions also met to discuss various concerns, including the blended mode of accreditation and the mandatory use of the new instrument starting SY 2023-2024. The school members also nominated new members of the commissions.
This year’s general assembly was the largest gathering of member schools and the first in-person gathering in three years after the pandemic.
Event highlights can be viewed here: