
Visioning Activity

The PAASCU Board of Trustees and representatives from the eight PAASCU Commissions convened for a two-day visioning activity last August 3-4, 2023 at Marco Polo Hotel Ortigas. The purpose of the activity was two-fold, i.e., to provide an update on the Strategic Plan of SY2021-2024 and to receive inputs on the new plan that will be crafted for SY2024-2027.

Ms. Fiona Crozier, an independent consultant with 25 years of significant experience in higher education quality assurance, was the activity’s facilitator. She has worked on the development, testing, and implementation of national and regional quality assurance frameworks and standards, including the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG), the African Standards and Guidelines of Quality Assurance (ASG-QA), and the ASEAN Qualifications Framework (AQAF), among others.

Various topics were discussed, including the political and international landscape of accreditation, the role of PAASCU in helping schools strengthen their IQA and EQA initiatives and address the challenges of diversity, how the PAASCU can better respond to the needs of its stakeholders, and how the agency can improve its operations. Inputs from the speaker and participants, discussions, debates, and group sharing were used to delve into the various topics.